Monday, 18 January 2016


Pacha Manga Chammanthi / Raw mango chutney is Kerala's own traditional Raw Mango Chutney, made with raw mango, coconut, shallots, green chillies and red chillies. This is a great accompaniments for the rice, idli,dosa varieties. This raw mango chutney, does not need any cooking at all. Chammanthi is a kerala type chutney,  very  similar to Tamilnadu's thogayal. 
Traditionally,  the freshly grated coconut go  into a stone grinder along with cubed raw mangoes, shallots, green chilies, and salt and grind coarsely without adding water. The water content in the raw mango will help the coconut to bind together. Actually, chammanthi or chutney is not to be ground very finely. But I ground this chutney to a fine paste, because my sons & hubby prefer likes this fine consisitency. Adding raw coconut oil to the chutney enhance the taste of chutney and it tastes heavenly. It is purely optional, because some don’t like the smell of raw coconut oil.


Grated coconut                              - 1 cup, scraped
Raw Mango (pacha manga)        - ¾ cup, chopped (adjust according to the sourness)
Red chillies                                         - 4 nos
Green chillies                                    - 3 nos
  Small onion                                        - 3 nos
Curry leaves                                         -1 sprig
Asafetida powder                             - 2 pinches
Salt                                                          - to taste
Coconut oil                                         - 1 ½ tbsps

Grind together all the ingredients, preferably without water, till all the ingredients are incorporated except coconut oil.
Finally add the coconut oil to the chutney and mix well.


You can also add ginger while grinding.
Grind it either  fully with red chillies or with green chillies. ( I usually use both the chillies)
If you like the taste of raw coconut oil, don’t skip the step of adding the coconut oil. It enhance the taste of chutney.

1 comment:

  1. 3 Researches SHOW Why Coconut Oil Kills Belly Fat.

    The meaning of this is that you literally burn fat by consuming coconut fats (in addition to coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).

    These 3 researches from large medical journals are sure to turn the conventional nutrition world around!
