Wednesday 13 January 2016


 Sugarcane juice  gives an instant kick of energy and quenches the thirst. Sugar cane juice is good source of glucose. So instead of your artificial energy drink, drink a glass of cane juice.Even though cane juice tastes very sweet and has high sugar content, it is good for diabetic patients. It contains natural sugar which has low glycemic index that prevents steep rise in blood glucose levels.
Sugarcane juice is considered an alkaline forming food because of the high concentration of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and manganese in it.This is effective in fighting against cancer, especially prostate and breast cancer. The antioxidants in sugarcane juice help to fighting against infections and boost the immunity system of the body. It also protects liver the liver against infections and helps in keeping the bilirubin levels in control. The best one for jaundice patients.They fight acne, reduce blemishes, prevent ageing and help in keeping the skin hydrated.. Just apply sugar cane juice to your skin and let it dry or add it to your favourite face mask and scrub. Use it regularly to see the effect.
From this super cane juice beauty  let’s preapare some delicious dosas..


Multigrain powder                          - 1 cup
Rice powder                                       -½ cup
Sugarcane juice                               - 1 ½ cups  (if needed add some more)
Jiggery (powdered)                       - ¼ cup
Cardamom powder                         - 2 pinches
Dry ginger powder                          - a generous pinch
Finely grated fresh coconut         - ¼ cup
Salt                                                         - a pinch
Ghee                                                     - to preapare dosas


Add half a cup of sugarcane juice in a pan and let it boil.
Add powdered jiggery and allow It to dissolve completely.
Strain it and keep aside.
Mix multigrain powder, rice powder, salt,cardamom powder, dry ginger powder, finely grated fresh coconut to the strained jiggery syrup and  the  remaining sugarcane juice.
Mix well without any lumps.( just whip it in the mixie for a minute.)
Grease and heat a dosa tawa and preapare dosas using ghee .
Yummy sugarcane multigrain dosas are ready to serve.         


For the recipe of multigrain powder you can refer my previous post, Homemade multigrain health mix powder.        -

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